Thursday, 20 January 2011


Hello and welcome to my new blog,

At the moment I am getting some of my new dolls ready (by tomorrow hopefully :-) to send to the local pottery shop for kilning. And making sure everything is ready for the launch of my website and basically being very excited about my first Miniatura (Spring 2011).

Today my page on the miniatura website was put up, which I am very excited about (but don't want to sound too boastful about).

Today I also received the most beautiful Romanian hemp fabric from Hemp Fabric UK and am excited to start making the dolls clothes with the wonderful herringbones, muslins, linens and so on. I love working with hemp, because it has such a beautiful and unique feel and look to it, and is the most eco-friendly and ethical fabric there is, since it cannot be grown with pesticides and is therefore naturally organic. It is also an easier plant to grow than cotton, is good for the soil and better for the growers' health. I choose Romanian hemp because it is the nearest place where hemp is grown and so reduces the 'raw material mileage'.

I will later post some photos of the clothes I make with the hemp.

Here is a photo of a completed doll (Bicycle Susie) and some work-in-progress faces.

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